A great opportunity to ask questions!

*RECORDED classes are below

  • Raising Kids Naturally

    Virtually with Zoom - LIVE OR RECORDED

    Saturday, October 5th 10:00-11:30 a.m.

    It can feel hard and overwhelming to support kids in a more holistic way in todays society. We have advertisements, school & birthday parties, sleep overs & other kids living off of processed foods that are shaped, colored and flavored for them to want & crave.

    Over the last 21 years, I raised my own kids in a Holistic way by utilizing herbal medicine, Whole Foods, homeopathy and various lifestyle choices. It wasn't always easy! However, by teaching them the tools to care for themselves it provided the knowledge they needed to support their own bodies as they got older. With kids it's all about planting the seeds that will grow when they are ready to truly care for their own mind body and spirit.

    In this class we learn about:

    * Nutritional advice and tips for getting proper nourishment. Including yummy recipes.

    *How to add herbs into their daily life and what herbs are best for that.

    *Life style suggestions to support a healthy mind and body.

    *What delivery is best with herbal medicine, including important safety information. Like: glycerites & tinctures, compresses, eye washes, baths, teas, syrups, herbal 'candies', popsicles....

    *Talk on the different facets of medicine made from plants. Like: Homeopathy, Herbalism, Essential oils, Flower essence.

    Class fee is $40 *Live or Recorded

  • The Power of Mushrooms

    Sunday, October 6th 2024 11:00 - 1:00 PM

    IN person & Livestream (with a 7 day recording)

    Have you heard about the mushroom hype? Are you confused by all the information out there? Are they as amazing as everyone is saying? (hint: YES) Head on over to this great class to find out and learn the wonderful ways of culinary/medicinal mushrooms.

    In this class we dive deeper into the world of medicinal mushrooms (culinary or not), uses and dosage, and recipes as well as the difference between mycelium and fruiting bodies. You will learn about the many benefits of taking mushrooms including:

    *Profoundly deep immune support and regulating

    *The many body systems mushrooms effect: brain, heart, liver, nerves, lungs, digestive, musculoskeletal, kidneys, reproductive……

    *Different ailments mushrooms support: autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular ‘dis’ease, asthma, COPD, leaky gut, allergies, ulcers, IB, cognitive function, mood disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue… and much more.

    *We will touch on the growing popularity of magic mushrooms (psilocybin) and their benefits

    *Lastly…can mushrooms save the world? YES!.... come find out how.

    Early Bird price is $35 until 9/29 then $45

    Grab your LIVESTREAM spot

  • Herbal Approach to Pain Management

    Sunday, October 6, 2024 3:00 - 5:00 PM

    IN Person & LIVESTREAM (with a 7 day recording)

    Chronic pain is a current debilitating epidemic, and unfortunately, today's medical system doesn’t address the underlying causes. Come join me to find out ways we can naturally mediate pain and inflammation. Here are some things we will cover:

    *Food as Medicine - Anti-inflammatory diet and how it helps

    *Herbal approach to chronic pain including: headaches/migraines, arthritis, back/sciatica issues, joint pain, neck/jaw pain; nerve; spasmodic; dull; shooting; throbbing pain

    *Touch briefly on acute pain management or acute flare ups.

    *Supplement choices that help mediate inflammatory response

    *Lifestyle approaches for pain issues

    Early Bird price is $35 until 9/29 then $45

    Grab your LIVESTREAM spot

  • Reiki Attunements #2 - A More Traditional Approach

    Sunday, October 20th 2024 10:00 - 5:00 PM

    IN person only

    This class has a prerequisite of Reiki #1. Please see the class list for the next Reiki #1 OR contact Natalija for approval if you have been previously attuned by a different practitioner.

    **Space is limited and fills up fast.

    Reiki #2 gives you an extensive understanding of its uses and a platform to prepare you for client work. You will receive a series of attunements with Reiki symbols that amplify, balance, clear and allow for long distance healing. There will be hands-on training Reiki shares with your fellow students and a deeper connection to self healing and client work.

    You will experience:

    *An intimate understanding and usage of 4 symbols and practice using them

    *Touch on how to clear and balance each Chakra

    *Learn to set sacred space for future clients

    *Get a better understanding on how to set session intentions, opening and closing each session, clearing and preparing between clients.

    *Practice (as well as receive) 2 hands on Reiki sessions

    *Receive 21 days of support with long distant Reiki and email access

    *Continue self healing and collecting of healing tools

    Early Bird price is $260 until 10/13 then $290

  • Reiki Attunements #3 - A More Traditional Approach

    Sunday, November 10th 2024. 10:00 - 5:00 PM

    IN person only

    This class has a prerequisite of Reiki #1 & 2. Please see the class list for the next Reiki #1 & 2 OR contact Natalija for approval if you have been previously attuned by a different practitioner.

    **Space is limited and fills up fast.

    Reiki #3 is the final in the basic attunements of Reiki. This class dives deep into the full spectrum of healing.. from ancestral lines through to current times. It is required that you are able to look into your own wounds, heal them in some way and rise from the challenges of life. In doing so we gather healing tools and learn empathy, which supports us in our ability to show up for others in an unconditional way. You will:

    *Receive 4 more symbols and an understanding on how to use them.

    *Dive into ancestral healing and learn to create an ancestor mandala for guidance.

    *Tap into your guides, guardians and ancestors for support and guidance.

    *How can we use sound healing to support the healing process

    *Practice and receive a hands-on Reiki session

    *Receive 21 days of support with long distant Reiki and email access

    *Continue self-healing and collecting of healing tools

    Early Bird price is $260 until 11/3 then $290

  • Gemini Full Moon & Winter Solstice Ceremony

    Sunday, December 15, 2024. 12:00 - 4:00 PM

    IN Person only

    $75 - On or before Sunday, December 8th (early bird special)

    $90 - Starting Monday, December 9th

    From planting crops to Spiritual ceremonies, following the moon cycles is an ancient practice. The fullness of the moon pulls heavily on our emotions and desires. It illuminates all things, giving us the opportunity to let go of that which no longer serves us or to see what is for our highest good. It is a perfect time to plant seeds of manifestations, find solutions and clearly see the path to healing our own mind, body, and spirit. Under the light of the full moon, all things are illuminated.

    We will experience:

    *A full moon meditation focused on the Gemini aspects for healing and manifesting.

    *Journal prompts focused on planting seeds and finding solutions as we embrace Winter.

    *Learn about the Winter Solstice and how to fully embrace the meaning of this transition.

    *Individually building a Winter Solstice Ritual that fits your wants and needs.

    *Collectively brewing a mulled cider with prayer and intention.

    *Chair Yoga and gentle movement, with sound healing.