“The Divine lives in every single cell of the body…which means every cell wants to be Divine” -Natalija

Natalija Classes


Classes Like:

The Power of Mushrooms, Kitchen Witchen, Tummy Troubles, Holistic Pets care, Making Medicine with Raw Honey, Reiki Attunements and more….

Also provided are IN-HOME Classes.

Natailja will come to your home for group education classes based on Herbal Medicine, Spirituality and Holistic Living. Contact Natailja for more info.

Raising Kids Naturally

Saturday, October 5th 10:00-11:30 a.m.



It can feel hard and overwhelming to support kids in a more holistic way in todays society. We have advertisements, school & birthday parties, sleep overs & other kids living off of processed foods that are shaped, colored and flavored for them to want & crave.

Over the last 21 years, I raised my own kids in a Holistic way by utilizing herbal medicine, Whole Foods, homeopathy and various lifestyle choices. It wasn't always easy! However, by teaching them the tools to care for themselves it provided the knowledge they needed to support their own bodies as they got older. With kids it's all about planting the seeds that will grow when they are ready to truly care for their own mind body and spirit.

In this class we learn about:

* Nutritional advice and tips for getting proper nourishment. Including yummy recipes.

*How to add herbs into their daily life and what herbs are best for that.

*Life style suggestions to support a healthy mind and body.

*What delivery is best with herbal medicine, including important safety information. Like: glycerites & tinctures, compresses, eye washes, baths, teas, syrups, herbal 'candies', popsicles....

*Talk on the different facets of medicine made from plants. Like: Homeopathy, Herbalism, Essential oils, Flower essence.

Class fee is $40 *Live or Recorded

Natalija’s Private Offerings

  • This is the starting point in co-creating a unique holistic wellness plan with each of my clients’ individual needs and is based on the many gifts of plant medicines.

  • Reiki is a modality where we co-create a safe space for the mind, body, and spirit to awaken. This sets in motion the opportunity for deep healing, transformation, and release.

  • Ceremony is part of daily life. It's how we show up, how we heal and how we connect to our Spirituality. In these private sessions we co-create a ceremony that welcomes you to find your divine inner truths, desires and gifts.